Initialization vectors: Android - Samsung My Files App

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Android - Samsung My Files App

Short version

Samsung mobile devices keep a list of stored media files in the following location and database:
These same devices also keep track of recent accessed media in the following location and database:
The following queries at can be used as templates to extract data from the aforementioned databases.

  • FileCache.db
    • Table: Filecache
    • Fields: storage, path, size, date, latest_date
  • myfiles.db
    • Table: recent_files
    • Fields: nane, size, date, _data, ext, _source, description, recent_date
Long version

Samsung devices come preinstalled with the Samsung My Files app. The app can also be used on other branded devices by download and install of the app via the Google Play store.

Samsung My Files app
The app description tells us the main software features.
[Key features]- Browse and manage files stored on your smartphone, SD card, or USB drive conveniently..Users can create folders; move, copy, share, compress, and decompress files; and view file details.
- Try our user-friendly features..The Recent Files list: Files the user has downloaded, run, and/or opened.The Categories list: Types of files, including downloaded, document, image, audio, video, and installation files (.APK)
Stored files analysis

The My Files app directory data resides in the data/data/ directory as seen in the next image.

App directory contents
Within this directory the SQLite FileCache.db file can be found. In the FileCache table one can find information on stored media to include path, size in bytes, date timestamp, and latest timestamp.

A simple query can be produce to extract this data. One can be found here.

Recent files list analysis

Within the same database directory one can also find the SQLite myfiles.db file. The recent_files tables keeps information on recently accessed files as explained in the app description from the Google Play store. This table tracks of file name, size in bytes, data, path, extension, source, description and recent date.

A simple query can be produced to extract this data. One can be found here.

Why does this matter?

A list of files as recorded by the app can give us clues on what files once existed on the device if these files were deleted before the usage of the My Files app. The utility of the recent apps list is even more apparent since we can correlate particular real world events with the last usage of pertinent media on the device. User generated artifacts should be of interest to the analyst, even more so when they intersect with other parts of the case we are working. Only by knowing that such artifacts exist can we make use of them.

As always I can be reached on Twitter @AlexisBrignoni and email 4n6[at]abrignoni[dot]com.